From Sunday 24 December 2023, Pastor Jason Clark has a message titled “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” Luke 2:8-14
From Sunday 24 December 2023, Pastor Jason Clark has a message titled “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” Luke 2:8-14
From Sunday 17 December 2023, Pastor Jason Clark concludes the sermon series "The Book of Daniel: Hope in the Midst of a Hostile World" with a message titled “How Long Shall It Be Till the End of These Wonders?” Daniel 12:5-13
From Sunday 10 December 2023, Pastor Jason Clark continues the sermon series "The Book of Daniel: Hope in the Midst of a Hostile World" with a message titled "But at that Time Your People Shall be Delivered" Daniel 11-12:4.
From Sunday 3 December 2023, Pastor Jason Clark continues the sermon series "The Book of Daniel: Hope in the Midst of a Hostile World" with a message titled “Fear Not, Daniel…I Have Come Because of your Words” Daniel 10.
From Sunday 26 November 2023, Pastor Jason Clark continues the sermon series "The Book of Daniel: Hope in the Midst of a Hostile World" with a message titled "Seventy Sevens", Daniel 9.
From Sunday 19 November 2023, Pastor Jason Clark continues the sermon series "The Book of Daniel: Hope in the Midst of a Hostile World" with a message titled “I Prayed to the Lord My God”, Daniel 9.
From Sunday 5 November 2023, Pastor Jason Clark continues the sermon series "The Book of Daniel: Hope in the Midst of a Hostile World" with a message titled “The Vision of the Evenings and the Mornings”, Daniel 8.
From Sunday 29 October 2023, Pastor Jason Clark continues the sermon series "The Book of Daniel: Hope in the Midst of a Hostile World" with a message titled "Daniel Saw a Dream" From Daniel 7.
From Sunday 22 October 2023, Pastor Jason Clark continues the sermon series "The Book of Daniel: Hope in the Midst of a Hostile World" with a message titled "The God Who Delivers and Rescues" From Daniel 6.
From Sunday 15 October 2023, Pastor Jason Clark continues the sermon series "The Book of Daniel: Hope in the Midst of a Hostile World" with a message titled "The Handwriting on the Wall" From Daniel 5.
Originally recorded on 10/01/23 at First Baptist Church in Mount Washington, KY.
Originally recorded on 09/24/23 at First Baptist Church in Mount Washington, KY.
Originally recorded on 09/17/23 at First Baptist Church in Mount Washington, KY.
Originally recorded on 09/10/23 at First Baptist Church in Mount Washington, KY.
Originally recorded on 09/03/23 at First Baptist Church in Mount Washington, KY.
Originally recorded on 08/27/23 at First Baptist Church in Mount Washington, KY.
Originally recorded on 08/20/23 at First Baptist Church in Mount Washington, KY.
Originally recorded on 08/13/23 at First Baptist Church in Mount Washington, KY.
Originally recorded on 08/06/23 at First Baptist Church in Mount Washington, KY.