Welcome to Mother’s Day Out, a ministry of First Baptist Church. We are happy to have your child with us during this important time in his/her live.
Registration for CURRENT students is open now. Registration for NEW students opens March 3rd. Please click the link below to print the registration form and return it along with a $40 registration fee to the front office of FBCMW or mail to First Baptist Church Mt. Washington, c/o MDO, P.O. Box 315, Mt. Washington, KY 40047. Feel free to email Katie Forrest with any questions.
New Mother’s Day Out Director
Join us in welcoming Katie Forrest as our new Mother’s Day Out Director. Originally from Nashville, Tennessee, Katie and her husband Jeremy moved to Mount Washington in 2014 and quickly came to love the community. Katie has a degree in Elementary Education from Austin Peay State University and has been teaching and caring for young children all her adult life.
The Mother’s Day Out at First Baptist Church is especially near and dear to her heart. That’s because of the incredible experiences her own children had when they attended the program; and it wasn’t just her children who benefited from the experience. It was through their experience with MDO that Jeremy and Katie connected to First Baptist Church, came to faith, and began learning and developing spiritually. Katie is excited about the opportunity to serve your family and our community by continuing a long tradition of providing a safe place for children to learn and thrive academically and spiritually. If you would like information about or to enroll a child in the program, contact Katie at
We also want to express our appreciation for Ms. Brenda Sapp. Brenda has done a fabulous job directing the program here for 31 years. We will be holding a reception for her closer to the end of the school year and hope many of you will be able to join us in communicating gratitude for many years of faithful service.