
Senior Adults are a varied lot. They include men and women who have been believers since early childhood as well as those new in the faith, and even some who have not yet come to faith in Christ; those married for decades, or in their second or third marriages, as well as divorcees; widows and widowers; some who are shut-ins, homebound, or residing in long-term care facilities, while others are snowbirds whose resources allow for frequent travel. Most all are dealing with major and/or minor health issues. Ministry to these is both challenging and rewarding as we attempt to fulfill needs that are spiritual, emotional, intellectual, social, and physical.


Dr. James Castlen serves as Minister to Senior Adults

Our activities include:

 Small group Bible studies

Intercessory prayer

Mission and related activities

Monthly trips for ministry, fellowship, and edification

Grace Notes Choir

Occasional topical classes, workshops



Mutual care and attentiveness to others’ needs

 Visitation and pastoral care